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France: decline in apple and pear stocks in February 2023

“At the end of February 2023, the stocks of French apples were down compared to last year (-11%). With the exception of the Pink Lady, all varieties saw their stocks decrease. Prices are above those of 2021 and the five-year average. As the end of the marketing year approaches, pear stocks are down as well compared to last year (-4%). Prices, although lower than last year, are higher than a month before,” according to Agreste.

Apples: 11% decrease in stocks
“At the end of February 2023, apple stocks were 11% lower than last year and 2% below the five-year average. A significant part of the 2022 production (up to 20% in some regions) presents defects due to the heat and had to be redirected to processing. As a consequence of these quality problems, sorting was more selective after harvest and during storage, with a significant reduction of the volumes stored.

Most varieties have seen their stocks decrease over a year. The Gala, for example, was affected by the heat this year, with small sizes and defects. The stocks of Gala therefore dropped by 16%. This is also the case for the Golden (- 18%) and the Granny-smith (- 20%). On the other hand, the stocks of Pink Lady went up 67%. Since November 2022, apple prices have been above those of last year and the five-year average. After a sluggish start, the outputs are finally up, especially in February (+17%). In general, consumers are looking for cheaper prices (bags, promotional actions).

On the export market, apple sales to Spain and the Netherlands have increased, but the demand from the United Kingdom and Germany has decreased. In cumulative terms between August 2022 and January 2023, the volumes of apples exported to the EU have increased by 11% over one year thanks to a dynamic start of the campaign.”

Pears: 4% decrease in stocks
“At the end of February, pear stocks were 4% lower than last year and 15% lower than the 2017-2021 average. After a start of the season marked by high stocks of summer pears, prices are gradually increasing, although they remain lower than last year.

As the end of the marketing campaign approaches, stocks are lower than last year, especially for the Comice and Conference pears (-36% and -29% respectively). Pear prices, although lower than last year, have been increasing gradually since December. Outputs are well oriented.

Between July 2022 and January 2023, the volumes of pears exported increased by 3% from the previous year but remained below the five-year average (-23%). This slight increase is driven by sales to EU countries, especially to Spain. The export campaign of summer pears was particularly successful this year.”

Source: Agreste 

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