Earth Market launched a new strawberry this year, the Marvella. “So far, this interesting novelty stands out from the other varieties of early and seasonal round strawberries for its particularly intense aroma. Moreover, the Brix degree obtained for this first harvest shows a high sugar content,” explains Joris Combe, sales manager of Earth Market. This asset has already seduced the first consumers and the few distribution professionals who have tasted it.
“For this first year of launch, the volumes marketed are relatively limited. But from next year, it will be available to a greater number of consumers. At the same time, we are in the process of characterizing its sensory profile, together with CTIFL, in order to better describe its aroma. In short, the Marvella is simply wonderful, and everyone seems to love it!”
A segment in dire need of novelty
Earth Market is planning a massive expansion plan for the next season. “Our ambitions for the Marvella are in line with its potential. The first feedback from both producers and distributors only confirms the many advantages the variety has over its competitors. There is no shortage of early round strawberry varieties, but this segment is in great need of taste novelty.”
Appreciated regularity in production
Other advantages of the Marvella include its guaranteed earliness, a very stable fruit caliber, and regular production. “The Marvella has really aroused the curiosity of producers. It is a strawberry plant that does not stop flowering. The blooming spreads nicely throughout the season. This continuity in production is a real asset for strawberry growers. Although the Marvella is mainly produced in the southwest and southeast of France this year, it can be planted in all the production basins of the country. “The variety adapts very well to different growing conditions, so its production can spread beyond the south of France.”
Available since the beginning of March, the Marvella will be marketed until the end of May/beginning of June. “It is a variety that produces only once a year, but it has a fairly long production cycle. Of course, we are still discovering it, but many of its assets have already been confirmed.”
For more information:
Mathilde Paignat
Earth Market
Mob.: +41 79 403 16 57