Going into Easter week, there are limited supplies of limes. “Holy Week in Mexico shuts everything down for the week to let their staff celebrate and spend time with their families,” says Tony Campos of International Citrus & Produce. He notes that lime supplies are about the same as this time last year.
This comes at a time when Mexico is at the beginning of its crop which means there’s more small fruit available. “After Easter when everyone returns to harvesting and packing, we expect more supplies,” says Campos. “This will bring cheaper prices on small fruit and the lack of bigger sizes will hold those prices a little higher. However, those are cheaper prices overall than what we’ve been seeing the last month.”
In Mexico, supplies are coming from Veracruz but also Jalisco.
Slow-moving small fruit
As for demand, it is good for bigger sizes given the lack of supply. “Small sizes are moving a little slower because of the heavier volume that’s available from everyone and more competitive prices,” says Campos. He notes that the warmer days being seen in California have been helping consumption. “We’re going to need that demand with the type of volume to come on 230s/250s,” he adds.
Helping International Citrus & Produce with demand could also be the 2 lb. bags of limes it’s introduced as part of its bag program that Campos says has been successful.
So what lies ahead for Mexican limes? “More small fruit and cheaper prices,” he adds.
For more information:
Tony Campos
International Citrus and Produce
Tel: +1 (650) 342-4525