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Frutura’s CEO comments on The Coca-Cola Company moving into fresh fruit

“We’ll be fiercely protective of the brand”

Yesterday, Frutura announced it has signed a licensing agreement with The Coca-Cola Company. “They approached us with this idea mid-last year. We’ve taken some time to collaborate and negotiate, and we are humbled to be working together with such an amazing brand,” says David Krause, Frutura’s CEO.

“Critically important for the partnership is the ‘human being’ fit we found with the licensing team at Coca-Cola,” added Krause. “They of course are whip-smart, but they also were great people to work with from the start. They came to us with an already quite deep understanding of our business. While they naturally are protective of their extraordinary brands, they were also fair and aware of our needs. Frutura’s goal is always to establish long-term relationships, whether it’s an acquisition or a partnership, so we proceed carefully and deliberately. It has worked well for us as we’ve shaped our company and it makes us optimistic about this new agreement with Coca-Cola.”

It’s the first time The Coca-Cola Company has licensed one of their brands for use within the fresh produce category. Why a move into fresh produce? “The Coca-Cola company has expressed a desire to serve consumers at every part of the day so this extension of the brand into fresh produce seems only logical,” said Krause.

Photo: David Krause

Citrus and table grapes
The deal allows Frutura to use Minute Maid and Simply brands, which will be exclusively deployed by Dayka & Hackett LLC (D&H), a California-based fruit grower, packer, and distributor. D&H was acquired by Frutura in 2021. The Simply brand, until now consisting of juices and fruit drinks, is entering the fresh produce category as Simply Select™. Simply Select will be used on D&H fresh citrus in the United States. The Minute Maid brand will be carried on D&H table grapes in the United States as well as D&H fresh citrus and table grapes in Japan. Products bearing Minute Maid and Simply Select imagery will begin appearing in retail stores during the second quarter of 2023.

Security of supply
Frutura was established two years ago with the goal of delivering the high-quality fruit their customers require, 365 days a year. “Our company is vertically integrated, which is unique and critically important for The Coca-Cola Company. Security of supply 52 weeks a year is key and as long as we maintain high-quality supplies year-round, the sourcing is up to us,” shared Krause.

“Through our distribution company D&H, we will be able to source from all companies within the Frutura family, no matter where they are based.” This will include sourcing in California, but also Chile, Peru, and Uruguay. “Our ability to access high-quality fruit in so many different countries, makes a 52-week supply natural for us.” While Frutura is entering the agreement cautiously, the company has high expectations of volume moved.

“We’ve only been focusing on high-quality acquisitions and this agreement is a validation of the work we’ve started and are building. With a large distribution and supply network at both ends of the value chain, we’ve built something unique. To have an iconic brand like Coca-Cola approach us is gratifying and encouraging. It suggests we are doing the right thing,” Krause said.

“In addition to supplying high-quality citrus and table grapes year-round, it’s also very important for The Coca-Cola Company to know that we are a good player when it comes to sustainability and social responsibility. All these things together led us to be good partners and we’ll be fiercely protective of the brand. We are proud of this association and will treat it with the respect it deserves.”

For more information:
Maureen Crow
[email protected]