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Andreas Kaminski from the Dresden-based vegetable wholesaler Walter Klunker

"We can already no longer rely on regional goods for some products"

In Saxony the regional outdoor harvest is now gradually gaining momentum. "Despite the delayed start to the harvest, we can now draw on the full range of lettuces, herbs and also cucumbers and tomatoes," says Andreas Kaminski, a buyer and seller at vegetable wholesaler Walter Klunker, based in Dresden-Radebeul. In this context, he points to the difficult seasonal transition for many products. "Due to the weather caprices in Spain as well as Italy, some items, such as radishes and kohlrabi, were scarce at the end of the season, which in turn led to correspondingly high prices around Whitsun."

He said a similar situation is currently being observed with carrots. "We can partly rely on German bunch carrots, but we import the bulk from Belgium. There, the old harvest is now almost used up, which has led to corresponding price increases," Kaminski describes. Normally, Belgian carrots cost no more than 0.90 euros per kilogram to purchase, but at the moment prices can be as high as 1.50 euros per kilogram.

Until a few years ago, fine frisée was also imported from France. "However, this item has lost importance, which on the one hand is related to the fact that frisée is a luxury item and therefore now less in the focus of customers. On the other hand, the Dutch have increasingly specialized in frisée for export in recent years. You just notice that in the good quality and shelf life of the product."

© Walter Klunker GmbH

Convenience on the rise
Due to inflation and tougher market conditions, Kaminski says people are clearly paying more attention to price. "This is reflected not only in the fact that luxury items are losing relevance, but also in the fact that the upscale clientele has largely disappeared. We are observing this trend in the catering industry in particular, which is why it is tending to become more difficult for us specialist wholesalers to stand out with high-end quality. At the same time, however, we are noticing that after Corona, a number of new hotels and restaurants are opening again in Dresden and the surrounding area, some of which we can already count among our clientele."

Due to a lack of time and staff in the local catering industry, demand for ready-to-cook fruits and vegetables is also on the rise, Kaminski continues. "Our offerings range from carrots and onions of all varieties to pre-cut and mixed salads to fruit salads in 5-pound containers. We're also looking to gradually expand our selection."

Decline in producer farms
True to the motto 'From the region, for the region,' the wholesale company, founded in 1927, tries to offer regional products. "For many products, such as tomatoes and cut and potted herbs, we succeed in doing so. Due to a lack of succession planning, many grower farms are slowly dying off, which is why we can already no longer rely on regional produce for some products. Given the more difficult regulations and minimum wage increases, this trend will continue in the coming years," concludes Kaminski.

Images:Walter Klunker Obst- und Gemüsegroßhandel GmbH

Further information:
Andreas Kaminski© Walter Klunker GmbH
Walter Klunker
Obst- und Gemüsegroßhandel GmbH
Boxdorfer Straße 19
01445 Radebeul
Telefon: 0351 79 51 130