On June 12, the producer association Pfälzer Grumbeere invited connoisseurs, media representatives as well as politicians to see the harvest for themselves at the season start of the Palatinate early potato harvest. Those who wanted to were also allowed to fill a few sacks with potatoes themselves. The event took place on the farm of EZG member Alexander Friedrich in Hochdorf-Assenheim. Furthermore, DEHOGA was chosen as the official brand ambassador of the Pfälzer Grumbeere for the 2023/2024 season. In the following you will find some pictures of the event.
Presentation of the certificate and thanks to the producers
(From left:) Ralf Pinno (farmer and member of the EZG), Markus Frank (2nd vice chairman of the EZG), Hartmut Magin (chairman of the EZG), Johannes Zehfuß (1st vice chairman of the EZG) and Alexander Friedrich (farmer and member of the EZG).
Hartmut Magin presented the brand observer certificate to Gereon Haumann. Haumann: "We want to contribute to the fact that the love for the Pfälzer Grumbeere arrives in our restaurants in the minds, in the hearts as well as in the stomachs of our guests. To that end, we want to dedicate an entire page each month in our host magazine to a recipe featuring the Pfälzer Grumbeere."
Left: Alexander Friedrich and his family. Right: Ralf Pinno and his family. Representing all 265 potato growers, board member Magin thanked both families.
On the potato harvester
On the potato harvester, those present were able to see the harvest for themselves and witness it live.
High media interest.
Stefan Klinck (DEHOGA board member), Gereon Haumann (president of DEHOGA), Hartmut Magin as well as Lothar Weinand (vice president of DEHOGA).
EZG member and farmer Ralf Pinno fills the potato sacks on the harvester. He grows potatoes on 44 hectares. In addition to the Annabelle variety, he also plants the Berber and Colomba varieties. Pinno also produces rhubarb, cereals and Zück beets on his farm in Hochdorf-Assenheim.
The potatoes are filled into 25 kg bags...
...and then marketed in the standard 2.5 kg bags with the well-known logo of the Pfälzer Grumbeere.
Per day, EZG can pack up to 3,000 tons in various formats and ship them nationwide, whether as organic goods, red-skinned potatoes, etc. as Magin points out.
Further information:Pfälzer Grumbeere
Pfälzische Früh-, Speise- und Veredlungskartoffel-Erzeugergemeinschaft w. V.
Martin-Luther-Str. 69
67433 Neustadt
Telephone: +49 6321 – 92747 17
Fax: +49 6321 – 92747 11
E-Mail: [email protected]
Webseite: https://www.pfaelzer-grumbeere.de