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African tropical fresh produce sales doing well in key world markets

Tropical and exotic fruit and vegetable exports not only comes from South America, but one company that specialises in sourcing from African producers is Africa Haven. They distribute the African grown exotics in several markets with Canada and the U.S. as main markets. “We currently supply fresh tropical and exotic fruit and vegetables to Canada, the US, Europe and the Middle East,” says Suzan Prima, President of Africa Haven based in Quebec, Canada.

She says they have capacity to more than quadruple their tropical exports from Africa to these key markets, as demand and orders pick up. “We currently export fresh fruits and vegetables and dry produce like tropical grains to Canada. Our weekly demand is about 10 tons of fresh and dry produce weekly and there is a potential of over 120 tons of fresh monthly to cover the available market,” says Prima.

Africa Haven offers the tropical fruit year-round due to the varied climates in many countries on the continent. “Most of our partnering countries in Africa are blessed with four seasons so most of the tropical fruits and vegetables are available throughout the year. We are Africa Haven exporters, importers and producers of tropical foods from Africa, we currently partner with farmers in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo and Malawi,” explains Prima.

The products they source and export include conventional and mini bananas, African Eggplant, passion fruit, sweet potato and mango. The company also sells powdered spices like Moringa Leaf, turmeric root, soursop and guava leaf powder. They work with a range of small farmers in different African countries to source the needed tropical products.

Prima says Africa Haven serves the speciality food service markets in the export markets. “Thereby we attract good prices for the products grown sourced and packaged under safe phytosanitary conditions, which are pesticide free. Most of the products we deal in are specialty foods which makes the price and the demand competitive.”

For more information:
Suzan Prima
Africa Haven
Tel: +1 819 9685884
Email: [email protected]