Until the morning of July 10, Agroseguro had received claims for 30,059 insured hectares because of the damages caused by the hail and rain storms last Thursday and Friday in the Ebro Valley. This number, however, is only provisional as insured growers will continue to submit damage reports in the coming days once they gain access to their plots, which are still blocked by water and mud. The damage extends through 7 provinces of 5 different autonomous communities.
The province with the largest damage was Álava, with 8,422 plots and 7,643 hectares. The damage is concentrated in the regions of Vitoria and Llanada Alavesa, but there was also damage in the municipalities of Valdegovía, Añana, Kuartango, Arraia-Maeztu, and Apellániz-Apilaiz, at the foot of the Izki Natural Park. Most claims relate to winter grain that has not yet been harvested. In addition, the force of the storms damaged rapeseed, sunflowers, legumes, potatoes, beetroot, fodder maize, and wine grapes.
In Zaragoza, claims have already been received for more than 5,900 plots, which total 5,520 hectares. The hail affected the entire western part of the province, especially wheat fields in Cinco Villas, Borja, Calatayud, La Almunia, and the Zaragoza region. There is also damage to vineyards in Fuendejalón, Tabuenca, Miedes de Aragón, Paniza, Cariñena, and to cherry production south of the municipality of Codos.
La Rioja was affected by two consecutive storms on Thursday and Friday, which damaged 6,843 plots (5,350 hectares). The damage mainly concerns cereal cultivation and vineyards in the north of Rioja Alta, vineyards between Navarrete, Fuenmayor, and Entrena (Rioja Media), and pear orchards in Rincón de Soto.
The hail also damaged 2,793 plots and 4,533 insured hectares in the Navarre region (mainly of winter grain).
Source: agroseguro.es