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Dutch company moves warehouse activities and starts exports to UK

"Exotics range expanded with South African baby vegetables, and Spanish and Portuguese cultivation"

The Dutch exotics importer Exotic Roots recently relocated its warehouse activities to LBP's warehouse. With that, it also expanded its markets and began exporting to the United Kingdom. "We recently started exporting to the wholesale markets in London. LBP helps us with customs clearance, documentation, and transport. It's a new market for us, and we've tapped into a whole new customer base," Jonathan de Quartel says.

Summers are not usually the busiest time at Exotic Roots. This year, the company expanded its summer product range by establishing new collaborations with cultivation partners in Portugal and Spain. "We get fresh herbs like coriander and mint and leafy vegetables like spinach and Am Choy from Portugal. As well as green Rawit chilies, bitter melon, and yardlong beans. From Spain, we source things like Bullet and habanero chilies and bitter melons."

Bitter melons and Am Choy from Portugal

"Our imports from our biggest countries of origin continue as usual. For example, we have weekly arrivals from Kenya and Thailand. Our packaged Thai durian in 500-g trays is a hit," explains Jonathan.

"From Kenya, we source products such as snow peas, haricot verts, sugar snaps, and red and green Rawit peppers. The supply from Mexico, our main importing country, is declining slightly now. Yellow Ataulfo mangoes from Mexico or Brazil sell very well in the summer. Mangoes sell especially well in warm weather."

"We recently started importing baby vegetables from South Africa too, with baby carrots and baby marrows being the biggest products. They're particularly popular with our Dutch customers, whom we serve with products like Kenyan snow peas and haricot verts too. Our product assortment has generally expanded quite a bit. We now have access to a range of products to serve our customers all year round in the coming years," concludes Jonathan.

South African baby marrow/baby carrots

For more information:
Jonathan de Quartel
Exotic Roots
Mob: +31 (0) 645 897 568
Email: [email protected]

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