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The new yellow variety by Med Hermes Vegetable Seeds

Varietal innovation in the lamuyo pepper segment

A new yellow lamuyo pepper called Febo F1 was the highlight of an Open Day held in July 2023 by the seed company Med Hermes vegetable seeds at the Giuseppe Pezone farm in Giugliano, in the province of Naples, an area highly specialized in the production of peppers in greenhouses. There was a good number of visitors at the event.

Febo F1 (Az.Agr. Pezone Giuseppe)

"The agronomic characteristics of Febo F1 are the resistance to TSWV / TMV0-3 viruses, the strong and rustic plant that withstands abiotic stresses resulting from climate change," commented the company's R&D Arcangelo Ambrosio, "which is well suited for cultivation in greenhouses/polytunnels for all the spring/summer transplants. What is very interesting about this variety is its ability to maintain constant yields throughout the entire production cycle, with excellent fruit homogeneity. The extra-thick flesh and the four lobes made Febo F1 an extremely attractive pepper, with a high specific weight and an excellent hold on both the plant and after its harvest, thus meeting the requirements of the Italian production chain in the best possible way."

A moment during the Open Day

"The reason for choosing this production area for the Open Day," Ambrosio continued, "was not by chance, as we intended to gather visitors interested in the technique of intercropping with strawberries. This is a practice that is widely used in the area, and we were able to show how, when the fruit is fully ripe, our variety adapts well to this intercropping. In addition, the excellent consistency and bright color of the fully ripened fruit allow a significant reduction in harvesting costs, as it can be combined with the harvesting requirements of strawberries."

Arcangelo Ambrosio and Alessandro Giandinoto of Medhermes

"The variety has shown excellent adaptability to different climatic conditions in Campania," concluded the expert, "which, like in the rest of the world, are becoming increasingly extreme and unpredictable. Febo F1 guarantees an excellent fruit set and high quality. The genetic improvement and varietal selection work on the pepper undertaken years ago by our company for the Italian market is generating results."

Febo Pepper F1

Med Hermes Vegetable Seeds invests in the selection and genetic improvement of peppers and other specific vegetables. The company believes that "the right direction is that of varietal innovation in order to guarantee greater competitiveness and profitability for farms and the entire Italian horticultural chain. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the Made in Italy brand in the seed sector."

For more information:
Med Hermes Vegetable Seeds
S.P. 25 Km 5,950 sn 97100 Ragusa
Email: [email protected]

Arcangelo Ambrosio
Tel.: +39 338 456 5695
Email: [email protected]

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