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National Potato Fair taking place on 30th and 31st August

Polish season for new potatoes ending, good prices throughout season

Two more weeks until the Polish potato season reaches its conclusion. Łukasz Ostrowicz, member of the board at Polish potato packer Bugaj, has noted that the overall season has been good, but quality issues are now coming up as the season is ending: “The harvest of new Polish potatoes began at the beginning of June. Prices have remained strong since then, maintaining significantly higher levels than they did in previous years. While weather conditions have been favourable in most areas, some regions required additional irrigation. The quality has been good so far, but we've observed more quality challenges in recent days, such as common scab and potato blight. Yields vary between regions, either remaining at the same level as last year or slightly lower.”

Ostrowicz states that the acreage for potatoes is declining in Poland, while pre-cooked potatoes are more in demand. “There's been an increasing trend in peeled potatoes. We've been receiving more inquiries for pre-cooked potatoes from the domestic market and the neighbouring countries. Poland is expecting its smallest cultivated area ever, at 198,000 hectares, 1.5% less than in 2022. The early estimate of the total crop is around 6 million tonnes, which would mark the first time it drops below 6 million.”

Thanks to the expansion of retail chains, demand from these retailers is increasing, despite consumption dropping on a national level, Ostrowicz explains: “Demand remains stable for now. Major retail chains have been consistently opening a significant number of new stores each year. Thanks to this expansion, retailers seem to be increasing their market share, leading to an increase in table potato sales in Poland through this channel, despite the fact that per capita potato consumption is decreasing.”

The Polish season for new potatoes is about to wrap up, Ostrowicz states. “We expect the new potato season to conclude within the next two weeks. With current prices being satisfactory, we anticipate that growers will be interested in selling directly from the field. One major concern for the potato packing industry in Poland is the limited number of cold storage facilities, which occasionally necessitates the import of ware potatoes at the end of the season. This might occur again next spring.”

At the end of August, a potato fair will take place in Poland. “The National Potato Fair [] is organised by the Polish Potato Association with the aim of becoming the major potato industry event in Poland. During the 2-day event, more than 50 exhibitors are expected to represent all facets of the Polish potato industry, including packing, processing, breeding, plant protection, machinery, packaging, potato growing solutions and consulting. It's definitely a place to be if you are looking to get involved in the Polish potato business,” Ostrowicz concludes.

For more information:
Łukasz Ostrowicz
BUGAJ sp. z o.o.
Email: [email protected]