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Ideal Fruits S.L.

"Our sales reflect how the demand for carrots in bunches is growing at a national level"

The fresh carrot in bunches campaign is underway in the Spanish region of Castile-Leon, specifically in the provinces of Segovia and Valladolid, which every year accounts for more than 40% of the national production. In this period, the high temperatures cause the production to move from the south to the highlands of central Spain.

"Our carrot in bunches campaign in Castile-Leon runs from the end of May to the end of October/beginning of November," said a representative of Ideal Fruits, a company from Segovia. "This year, the campaign has started as scheduled by our technical department, which devotes the winter season to meticulously planning it. This good previous work of our technicians allows the summer campaign to develop perfectly."

"Up to this moment, with approximately half of the campaign already completed, we have had the expected volume and a very good quality, as well as the desired calibers."

"Regarding the management of this kind of irrigated crops, it should be noted that good water management is a differentiating factor in the farms. We are aware of the value of every drop of water, and this is one of the reasons why we are continuously seeking solutions and have launched sustainability projects seeking a more efficient use of this resource."

"One of our most important facilities is a water storage pond with a capacity of 100,000 m³, in which we store surplus water during the winter so we can make use of it during the summer season and not require other water resources. We also make use of solar panels to supply electricity to the irrigation equipment, thus limiting the environmental impact and reducing our carbon footprint. Proof of our involvement is our certification in the Spring module from GlobalGap," said the company.

Ideal Fruits is specialized in the production and marketing of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and currants) and vegetables, with carrots in bunches being one of their main products. "Our carrot brand El Manojillo offers great added value. The carrots are harvested manually, one by one, and the bunches are prepared directly in the field. These are put on sale the same day they are harvested. Keeping the green leaves is a hallmark of El Manojillo, an indicator of the product's freshness and quality."

"We basically market our carrots in two formats: with or without flowpack, in bunches that can vary between 6, 8 and 12 units."

"The domestic demand for bunches is growing every year and, in our case, we have noticed an increase in sales compared to previous years' campaigns," said the representative of Ideal Fruits. "We hope and wish that this trend will continue in the future, and that is what we are working for, aiming to boost the product's value so that the fresh carrots in bunches can be appreciated as much as they deserve."

"Our campaign in Castile-Leon will last until early November, until the cold weather allows us to keep the leaf in good condition for sale. Once we finish the campaign in Segovia and Valladolid, we will start in Cadiz. This allows us to cover the rest of the months and to deliver maximum freshness 365 days a year."

For more information:
Ideal Fruits S.L.
Ctra. de Segovia 333, Km. 9,67
40216 Chañe, Segovia, Spain
Tel.: +34 921 065 025
[email protected]

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