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Robert Blomsteel and Ron den Hoedt start EDN

"We want to carry a wide range of organic and conventional fruit and vegetables"

Robert Blomsteel has over 23 years of experience working in organic and conventional fruit and vegetable sectors. On June 1, 2023, he and his associate Ron den Hoedt started a new company: EDN. This Dutch company focused on importing and exporting organic and conventional fruits and vegetables.

"Ron doesn't come from this sector but has plenty of commercial experience. We got talking and then took the plunge," Robert says, laughing. "Much of our offering is organic, where most of my background lies, but we combine that with conventional trade. We clearly separate those for our customers in, for example, the price lists we distribute. Also, all organic products are marketed under 'EDN organic freshness'."

Ron and Robert

"We contacted a good Egyptian supplier who wanted outlets for his product. We already offer conventional sweet potatoes. The organic ones are on their way and will arrive in Rotterdam this weekend," explains Robert.

"We offer those under our Green Gold brand, which truly distinguishes us on the market. The sweet potato market was very strong, but sales have calmed down slightly. The smaller-sized conventional product is particularly hard to sell."

"We'll get spring onions and citrus from this same grower later in the year. We'll also expand our range with other products, both organic and conventional. We've already started with organic greenhouse vegetables and will also have those in the winter. But we want to add overseas products. In the fall, we'll start with organic and conventional Turkish pomegranates, which we'll carry under our brand, too," Robert remarks.

The two men are currently working from home. Shipping is done at VGK Cool Logistics in Ridderkerk, where Europe Retail Packing takes care of the added value services. "That lets us differentiate and focus on sourcing and sales, both towards Dutch trade and across the border." In conclusion, we asked where will the company be in five years. "I hope, by then, it will be a nice, healthy company with a good assortment of items," Robert answers.

For more information:
Robert Blomsteel: Mob: +31 (0) 613 132 312
Ron den Hoedt: Mob: +31 (0) 614 465 667
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