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Juan Antonio, manager of Toñifruit: "In this new normal of constant change and volatility, it is important to be associated to a FVPO"

"The harvest of the new lemon season will kick off in just a few weeks"

Already in July, AILIMPO confirmed in its first estimate of the Fino lemon harvest for the next 2023/2024 season that the production of this variety will record a significant increase, of up to 30%, compared to the 2022/2023 campaign. And although the size of the harvest still depends on the weather, water supply and the entry into production of new plantations (as AILIMPO recalls, the Fino lemon acreage has increased by 5,671 hectares in the last 6 years), the national harvest, which Toñifruit will start in October 1, could amount to 990,000 tons.

"This increase in the national harvest will allow us to provide a spectacular 12-month service to all the markets where Spanish lemons are present, because in addition to the European Union, our lemons reach the whole world," said Juan Antonio Martínez Rubio, manager of the Murcian company.

"At the marketing level, everything has been changing at the speed of light due to factors like the pandemic, the war and changing consumption habits, and we must remember that producers, especially small ones, do not have that ability to adapt so quickly. That is why being associated to an entity like Toñifruit has become so important in this new normal of constant change and greater volatility in the market. Toñifruit is an FVPO that currently has 20 members and we encourage growers to join us in order to have greater support and strength in the marketing of their fruit."

"Also, we are one of the 70 members of the second-tier producers' organization Anecoop, which is the largest marketer of fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean, with a turnover of over one billion Euro. To be equipped to deal with this constant change in the sector, it is very important to be under the umbrella of an organization as social and protective as Anecoop."

"Lemon cultivation in Spain is one of the most sustainable and cutting-edge in the world"
Thanks to the efforts of a leading global export sector, the water footprint of lemons in Spain has been reduced by 38.96% in the last 30 years, and currently stands 57.8% below the world average.

"Spanish agriculture, and more specifically lemon cultivation, is one of the most sustainable and cutting-edge in the world," said Juan Antonio, "and Toñifruti is going a step further, as our fruit has the Demeter seal, which makes it biodynamic agriculture certified. Right now, this is the highest standard in agriculture worldwide."

"The Demeter certification has all the benefits of organic agriculture. It is socially sustainable, and not only is there respect for the soil, but efforts are also made to facilitate its regeneration. This way, we can leave a richer soil for our children and make sure the planet won't be less habitable for them, but a more sustainable one," he said.

"It is very important to stand behind the agricultural sector, because it is sometimes criticized. We must recall that Spanish agriculture has become highly efficient in water consumption, as shown by the lemon sector itself. Moreover, the plant mass of our farms can stop the desertification process by preventing soil erosion, and it also absorbs a great amount of CO₂. It all depends on how you look at it; our farms are not just lemon plantations, they are real forests, and thanks to the way we look after them, they can be even more environmentally-friendly than natural forests."

For more information:
Parque empresarial Cabecicos Blancos
C/ Molino Grande, buzón 22
30892 Librilla. Murcia. Spain
Tel.: +34 968 071 056