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Ecuador's Banana and Plantain Cluster asks people to avoid spread misinformation about the sector

"Ecuador's banana industry invests more than 100 million dollars a year in security"

Ecuador's Banana and Plantain Cluster has made a statement regarding insecurity and has asked people to avoid spreading misinformation about the sector.

The cluster recalled that it represents a sector "that has been the world's leading banana exporter since 1964, generating 250,000 jobs and more than 3.2 billion dollars in foreign currency. A sector that makes incalculable efforts to maintain sustainable productions, pays decent wages, and fulfills all of its social obligations."

"Ecuador is a victim of criminal acts by international mafias that cause serious consequences for internal security and market positioning. In this sensitive context, to prevent the spread of incorrect information that worsens the situation, any statement about the contamination of any product exported must follow due process. This implies that the documents must be supported by evidence and issued by the competent authorities that demonstrate the aforementioned legal situations."

"The industry makes every effort to ensure the commercial stability of the fruit in international markets. Ecuador's banana industry companies invest more than 100 million dollars a year in guards, video surveillance cameras, tracking technology, satellite locks, radios, artificial intelligence systems, and other measures to prevent criminal acts."

"Drug trafficking and consumption is a global problem that affects all countries and importing and exporting industries around the world. We urge and demand the public sector authorities to consider the seriousness of this situation and to issue comments supported through due process in accordance with the law; to act jointly to guarantee the security of exports, that is to say, to take into consideration the competitiveness of the sector and to implement non-intrusive equipment in ports and apply other measures throughout the value chain of the export product to guarantee the security of exports. Additionally, we urge the authorities to promote international cooperation focused on the responsibility that the countries of destination of exports must assume in this context."


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