Consumed regularly by 91% of French people, compotes (light, pudding or simple fruit puree) “make it possible to eat fruit all year round.” Nearly 77% of French people associate the consumption of processed fruit with good value for money, according to a study carried out by Opinion Way in March 2022.
“The sales of compotes have been rising steadily for several years”
Loved by the French for their “accessible prices in all seasons, their long shelf-life which reduces waste, compotes seem to fit everyone's needs and desires,” explains FIAC, the Fruit Group of the Federation of Preserved Food Sectors, which brings together 7 French companies specializing in compotes. This success is reflected in the figures. “Sales of compotes have been rising steadily for several years. In 2021, the category grew by +0.5% in volume compared to 2020. The French preference for a more responsible, plant-based diet since the Covid crisis has given a strong boost to compote consumption in France, as it is a healthy, essential product appreciated by all target groups, children and adults alike.”
86% of French apples on average
Of the 437,214 tons of compotes made in France and sold in 2021, “the proportion of apples originating in France averages 86%, but this can vary between 75% and 90% depending on the harvest,” according to FIAC. Approximately 20% of the apple volumes are destined for the processing industry (processed fruit and juices), compared with 80% destined for the fresh market.
76,600 ha of orchards in France for a production of 382,300 tons of fruit harvested and delivered to factories, for sales of 1.64 billion euros [1.76 billion USD].
For more information:
Fédération des Industries d’Aliments Conservés