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Last places available for B2B meetings with buyers from large-scale retailers

Auchan, Biedronka (Jeronimo Martins), Carrefour, Intermarche, Spar, Dino, E. Leclerc, Arhelan, Chata Polska, of Eurocash Group, Nasz Sklep, Polo Market, Stokrotka, Żabka are large-scale retailers that have confirmed their participation in B2B meetings that will take place in Warsaw during the event organised by Fresh Food leader the 19-20th of September.

There will be also buyers attending the meetings from several chains from CEE countries: Mega Image (Ahold Delhaize Group’s brand present in Romania with over 950 stores), Rimi Baltic (with over 290 supermarkets in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia), Bingo (with over 230 stores in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia) and more.

The event is aimed for growers and production companies interested in establishing direct relationships with buyers of foreign large-scale retailers. During the B2B meeting day, there will be also present national importers and distributors, which makes the event also interesting for more specialised companies that want to expand their sales with the support of national distributors.

What will happen on the 19th and 20th of September?
On the 19th of September there will be an organised tour of a selection of supermarkets of large-scale retailers participating in the B2B meetings.

On the 20th of September fruit and vegetables buyers of large-scale retailers will be provided with a meeting-desk where they will have face to face one-to-one appointments with producers and growing companies.

There will be Lunch and Cocktail Dinner Party that will be attended by both buyers and producers turning these moments into a further networking opportunity.

Why participate in B2B meetings before the fair?
Fresh Food Leader organises B2B meetings between producers and buyers of large scale retailers in order to help producers find new customers and establish direct relationships with buyers of expanding large-scale retailers.

How to participate
Participation in the event is subject to payment of a registration fee. The organizers guarantee five face-to-face meetings with buyers from the chains of supermarkets.

For more information:
Fresh Food Leader
Tel: (+39) 349 7404 885

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