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To be adressed at the XXVIII International Blueberry Seminar in Agadir

Profitability is a global great challenge for blueberry producers

Recent larger blueberry production volumes have caused price drops, and consumer demands are high. These are some of the factors that impact the profitability of blueberry production. Profitability is the result of investment management, so it should not be confused with profit since they are different terms. Utility is the value of the profit obtained by the investment in a period of time, profitability is an indicator of the management and effectiveness of said investment.

Of course, the value of the fruit in the market is the most logical factor that influences the profitability of the activity, but market prices can also be managed with good information regarding market trends, market fluctuations, marketing windows, the volume of the competition's supply and other related data.

Profitability is a great concern for producers in a market as competitive as that of blueberries and will be a topic that will be addressed in its various aspects and variables in the XXVIII International Blueberry Seminar. This event will be held on September 13 and 14 in the halls of Hotel Les Dunes D'or Center De Congrès in the city of Agadir, Morocco.


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