Sydney-based company COPAR, is working on fibre-based packaging solution featuring moisture-absorbent pads for fresh produce applications.
Increased regulations to reduce waste, coupled with the growing number of eco-conscious consumers who demand full transparency and need guarantees that the packaging will not harm the environment.
COPAR is a manufacturer of packaging from agro-waste which is PFAS-free. This ensures your meals come in the most natural form and are devoid of harmful chemicals.
Nothing beats the taste of fresh fruits and vegetables. But have you ever wondered how they stay fresh on their journey from the farm to your plate? A lot of it comes down to packaging. The sad truth is that most produce is wrapped in plastics that can harm our environment. COPAR seeks to change that game. Their special packaging for produce uses a unique combination of their fibre trays and compostable pad that soaks up unwanted moisture, ensuring your fruits stay at their best for longer.
So, not only do you get fresh produce, but you also get the peace of mind that comes with making an eco-friendly choice.
A promise for tomorrow
From ensuring the veggies in our salad remain crisp, to making sure that steak retains its juiciness, COPAR is truly redefining the landscape of food packaging. And with every meal that comes in a COPAR package, we’re reminded of a commitment – to our health, our palate, and our planet.
COPAR is leading the way in reimagining how food can be packaged sustainably. COPAR is committed to prioritising our planet and health by providing solutions that don’t compromise on quality or the environment.
For more information:
Sydney NSW, Australia
Tel.: + (61) 2 5565 6770