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Dutch wholesaler launches aid campaign for Moroccan colleagues

The Dutch company Scherpenhuizen en Kamps has launched an aid campaign for its 1,500 colleagues in Morocco. A 6.8-magnitude earthquake recently hit that country. "Our partnerships there means the earthquake hits particularly close to home for us," says Scherpenhuizen and Kamps management and family.

"We have 1,500 co-workers on our farms in Morocco. They and their families are suffering. Damaged houses must be repaired, broken things must be replaced, family members are injured or dead, and also have to deal with damaged or destroyed homes. Besides the overwhelming terror, there's also much grief, as you can well imagine."

Scherpenhuizen en Kamps take action
"Relief efforts are slowly getting underway. Our direct ties to Morocco mean we'll happily spring into action. Our Dutch employees have gotten the ball rolling, donating and encouraging those around them to do the same. There are several ways to donate," the company representatives explain.

"The easiest is by clicking on this GoFundMe link: or scan the QR code on the image in this post. Alternatively, transfer your contribution to account number NL96 ABNA 0240096045 in the name of Scherpenhuizen, stating Morocco as a reference."

"By arranging this ourselves, we can guarantee that our aid directly reaches our Moroccan workers and their families," Scherpenhuizen & Kamps' spokespeople say. "Our farm managers will coordinate how the money is spent on their behalf. We're relying on you and the strength of our network."

"We hope to raise a fantastic amount as soon as possible. We want to give the team in Morocco a huge positive boost. On behalf of them, their families, and us, thank you so much in advance. We'd also love it if you could share this message," the company's management and family conclude.

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