The jujube season is about to start at Fellini Patrizio. The company boasts professional orchards featuring different varieties. "Production is about to peak in our orchards, and they are reaching their full potential," explains sales manager Andrea Pignato.
Andrea Pignato in a Fellini Patrizio jujube orchard
Yields per hectare are lower than last year due to the weather, but the high temperatures are favoring the concentration of sugars and the typical aromas of this fall fruit.
"250 g cups were very popular last year, and they are available in crates containing 9 pieces. We are also studying other formats, e.g. 150 and 300 gram options to meet other requests."
Fellini grows around 3000 plants in total. "We harvest and package in just a few hours so as to maintain the freshness of the produce intact. Jujubes are not well-known yet, but having a stable production means supplies are constant for two months straight, until November."
The processed produce
What is more, last year Fellini launched a jar of "spreadable jujubes": the first tests received excellent feedback, and the product will be back this winter.
For further information:
Fellini Patrizio S.r.L.
Via G. Pascoli, 875
47035 Gambettola (FC) - Italy
+39 0547 659 777