Cotton Candy grapes are all the rage thanks to their cotton candy flavor. Dietitian Fran Susín tried these grapes and spoke about her experience on TikTok.
"Contrary to what people think, they have no added sugars or flavor enhancers, and they're not transgenic," she stated. "They were created via manual pollination, a process in which producers join different types of grape variants until they find one that is hard, tastes like they want, and doesn't have seeds," Susin said.
The dietitian assured that these grapes have 18 to 20 grams of sugar for every 12 grapes (100 grams). "I think it's excessive. Normal grapes have approximately 12 to 15 grams of sugar per 100 grams of grapes," she added. "However, they're grapes, and as such, they are healthy," she stressed.
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