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The Asian market is going through a transformation of products and origins

Asia is a very important market for Salix Fruits, a global importer and exporter of fresh produce. “It is a market that has seen a transformation in terms of products and origins over the past few years,” says Javier Orti, Sales Manager Asia with Salix Fruits. “Therefore, it is very important to have a wide range of sourcing options.” The company brings in grapes from multiple origins but also citrus fruit, apples, and pomegranates. Air shipments include cherries, berries, and stone fruit. “This year, in particular, we noticed a high demand for donut peaches by air,” shared Orti. In the short term, the company sees a good potential to expand volumes from origins like Egypt, India, and Turkey.

New office in Singapore
Within Asia, Salix Fruits already has an established and growing business in India. One core area for growth will be Southeast Asia, driven by Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. In addition, China’s growth continues to be impressive. China and Hong Kong have the highest potential for volume programs, as well as Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. “The importance of the Asian market is shown in our growth plans as we will soon be opening an office in Singapore,” mentioned Orti.

Asia Fruit Logistica
Salix Fruits just returned from Asia Fruit Logistica, where it has been exhibiting every year since 2016, only interrupted by the pandemic years. “It was great to be back in Hong Kong the way it always was, including the Chinese companies that weren’t able to participate last year,” shared Orti. He also mentioned that the fair was very busy for Salix, and the team left with the feeling they could have filled an extra day or two with meetings as there were so many friends, customers, and suppliers to see. “The weather was a bit of a challenge as the show was canceled due to heavy rainstorms on Friday, the last day. Everybody was running around to reschedule meetings at their hotels, the airport area, or in the city. However, it was a great fair overall.”

The Salix team at Asia Fruit Logistica. From left to right: Javier Orti, Vaibhav Vedak, Raed Kazi, and Haydy Shaheen.

For more information:
Javier Orti
Salix Fruits
Tel.: +1 770-872-7776