The Crisis Committee of the Interprofessional Organization for Fruits and Vegetables of Andalusia (HORTYFRUTA) has decided to deactivate the extension of the rule for Andalusian green zucchini after verifying the improvement of the situation in recent days. The objective is to avoid market shortages.
From Tuesday, October 10, all operators, producers, and marketers in Andalusia are again allowed to market second-class zucchini for fresh consumption.
Last week, due to the product's situation, the Crisis Committee of HORTYFRUTA had decided to activate an extension of the rule for an undetermined period of time, during which second-class products were not allowed to be marketed.
For their part, the member organizations of HORTYFRUTA continue to monitor the market situation of key horticultural products, assessing at all times and for each particular product if any measures need to be taken. Such is the case of eggplant, whose performance will require a more thorough analysis this week.
For more information:
Ctra. de Málaga n.º 44, 3.ª planta
04002 Almería, Spain
Tel.: +34 662 388 055