High prices also thanks to excellent quality produce of considerable grades. The auctions of the Fuji apple variety and the less-known Winesap, which is popular only in Tuscany and Emilia Romagna, started on October 10th.
Markus Tscholl
"The first Fuji auctions went very well, with high prices especially for the Select premium line. Grade 75+ Fuji in crates sold at between €0.95 and €1.10/kg thanks to their excellent color, grade and overall quality," explains Markus Tscholl, coordinator of Asta Frutta Alto Adige.
The price is of course slightly lower for bins, between €0.80 and €1.00/kg. "Then there were the smaller grades and others slightly damaged by hail, for which the quotes were lower. Harvesting will continue until late October."
The Winesap variety dates back to the late 1800s and is grown only at the bottom of the valleys. "It is very popular in Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. Prices are good, at around 75-82 eurocents for the produce in bins."
The last batches of Golden apples from high mountain orchards are still available with quotations that hover between €0.52 and €0.62/kg for 75+ Select.
With a number of clients that almost equals that of producers (550 registered buyers and 760 producers), Asta Frutta Alto Adige represents a historic apple-selling company whose business started in 1960. The producers cover 900 hectares in total, producing around 45 thousand tons of apples.
For further information
Asta Frutta Alto Adige
Vilpiano (BZ),
+39/0471 676511