After a significant increase in September, Tahiti lime prices showed a notable drop in the first days of October. According to Fernanda Geraldini, researcher in the citrus area at Cepea, the spike in prices in September was motivated by the seasonally low supply, influenced by the winter climate with little rain and lower temperatures.
However, the recent reduction in prices is the result of the return of rain in São Paulo, accelerating the development of fruits and increasing the supply available for harvest. Although October and November may still not have as high a supply, producer profitability tends to be favorable. With the arrival of summer in December and the end of year festivities, demand for lemons may increase, providing opportunities for producers.
The lemon harvest in Brazil has increased, especially in areas such as the north of Minas and Bahia. As for the 2024 harvest, it is too early for detailed projections, but it is indicated that it could be more concentrated in January and February, differing from the pattern observed in 2023.