Takii Europe is presenting a new concept in the Galia melon segment with the Kameleon brand.
"With Kameleon, we wanted to bring back the flavor and aroma of the traditional Galia, which has been gradually lost as the long-life type, which has a longer shelf life, has been gaining ground on the supermarket shelves," explains Jaime Dols.
"What the varieties marketed under this new brand have in common is that their color changes from dark green to yellow only when they ripen, which guarantees that the harvested fruit is at its optimum point for consumption, with a Brix of around 16 degrees, and with an exquisite aroma and texture."
"This means that the fruit cannot be harvested prematurely, since it won't have the expected color," says Jaime. "Many long-life Galia varieties acquire the yellow hue at 10 degrees Brix and will hit the market then, so they will end up disappointing the consumer's expectations. With the Kameleon, we have managed to solve this problem, which affects both consumers and retailers."
At the agronomic level, the Kameleon provides growers with an extra tool to cope with the limited options when it comes to active materials for agriculture, since all varieties have a very high tolerance to powdery mildew and aphids, and together they cover the entire production cycle, both in greenhouses and in the open ground. "We are working with different varieties, but with the same genetics, which guarantees quality throughout the season. With them, we want to give our Central European partners the chance of having a continuous supply of Galia melon with consistent flavor and quality."
"This year, which has been the first one with the brand launched commercially, melon production in Spain has been challenging, because the weather has taken a toll on the production in both Almeria and Murcia; however, our partners have told us that the quality of Kameleon Galia melons has been very good and they have been very satisfied with the results."
"Kameleon melons cover the period from Almeria's early/mid cycle up until La Mancha, so it is an interesting alternative for producers in all Spanish regions, especially in the Murcia area. We are also involved in the crop's development in Central and South America, so we will be able to supply Kameleon melons all year round to the European retail."
"The great advantage of the Kameleon is that it offers a unique commercial concept, and Takii will work to ensure that this market differentiation is maintained at all times."
Takii Europe B.V.
Jaime Dols
Senior Account Manager & Product Manager Takii Europe
Tel.: +34 674 171 877