There is currently excellent demand in the mango market. "Mangoes are in pretty high demand, with unprecedented prices," says Henk van der Meij of Hars&Hagebauer.
"The mango market is a global one, with countries affecting each other. For example, there's currently tremendous demand from the United States for Brazilian mangoes. Because of the weather, fewer mangoes are coming from Ecuador, so they're paying good money for mangoes from Brazil."
"So, Europe is getting fewer than expected mangoes, which is pushing prices up," says the importer. "It's not even that too few mangoes are coming this way, but demand is so good, the market's easily absorbing them. That's partly helped by other import fruit that are also currently priced well."
Henk believes mango prices will remain quite high for the next while, too. "Everyone knows Peru is starting later this year and has fewer mangoes. Brazil is, thus, alone in the market until at least mid-December. Prices should, therefore, stay good," he concludes.
For more information:
Henk van der Meij
Hars & Hagebauer
90F Selderijweg
2988 DG, Ridderkerk, NL
Tel: +31 (0) 180 745 100