There are many service companies working in the fresh produce sector, but how many can boast such know-how to be able to replace a procurement manager? Or a quality assurance manager? How many times do Italian or foreign companies operating in Sicily, or even in the rest of southern Italy, have to send their own managers to make sure operations from harvesting to logistics go smoothly to avoid mistakes or surprises?
Francesco Litrico (sales manager) and Romina Roccasalvo (CEO)
Romina Roccasalvo from Next To Business, a service company located in Sicily boasting over ten years of experience, can provide answers to all these questions.
"I would like to point out that we are not intermediaries, but professionals working according to precise standards that leave nothing to chance. Those who come to us find an authoritative and competent 'long arm' that can help them supervise operations both in Italy and all over Europe. We are talking about all-inclusive assistance and consultancy that fully replaces operators. Verifying the condition of products, drafting programs, ensuring that all standards are met are part of our daily work. For example, an essential service for some foreign clients is the collection of samples for multi-residue analyses: an essential step for the continuation of relations between the various companies. But there is more! Our extensive experience and numerous contacts mean we can make available to our clients opportunities that become actual business amplifiers," explains Roccasalvo.
"All our services are provided on a service base, meaning no new hires, no commission, no time wasted training new figures. The companies who come to us no longer need to train local experts only to them see them move on to a competitor, as is often the case. We assist foreign companies, we speak their language and break down both communication and cultural barriers. Discretion is at the basis of our professional work. The cost of our services can be fully deducted, so they are actually not a cost but an advantage."
On-site services
"Trust is essential but, in our case, thanks to simple technological solutions available to everyone, we can show how we operate during company visits via videocalls or other options. These services are always impartial, whether it is the client or the supplier who requests them."
For further information:
Romina Roccasalvo
C.da Palazzelle-Lanzagallo
97014 Ispica (RG)
+39 0932 090179
+39 3394604122