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Potato Market Update 25th October

Current weather conditions increase potato demand in Ireland

Home consumption and retail sales continue to prosper with the current weather conditions increasing demand. The food service sector should see a boost also as we approach the bank holiday weekend. Any harvesting that was taking place has been completely halted due to weather conditions. Widespread flooding has resulted in waterlocked fields and losses are most likely to occur.

Heavy rainfall has prevented any liftings in the U.K also over the past number of days. Later planted, late maturing varieties such as Markies are still being left to mature and skin set and in the Fens in the East clearance is still only around 70%

Yields on the continent are reported to be good in both Belgium and in France where they are 10.2% higher than last year. Yields in Holland are “less than in Belgium” and quality issues including misshapes, Pink Rot and Blight are being seen. In Germany some stores have already been unloaded because of “breakdown”.

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