According to a recent report by Andalusía's Alert and Phytosanitary Information Network (RAIF), the dominant phenological state of greenhouse tomato cultivation in the province of Almeria is fruit fattening. The crops' phenological state in the interior of the province is more advanced, reaching the fattening/start of fruit ripening.
At the moment, the most relevant pests and diseases in the crop are:
Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) is present in all the greenhouses sampled, regardless of the phenological state in which it is found. As a result of the indirect damage it causes as a virus transmitter, symptoms of the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) have been detected, although in a small number of plants and plots. One of the most important predators (biological control organisms) in the control of this pest is Nesidiocoris tenuis, which is present in all the greenhouses sampled.
Low levels of tomato russet mites (Acuops lycopersici). Small foci are observed in 1 out of 3 sampled greenhouses, and producers should carry out recommended practices such as sulfurization of plants to minimize their expansion.
There's a mild presence of red spider (Tetranychus urticae). It can be present at any time of the year, but it's more common from spring to autumn, as its proliferation is favored by low relative humidity. Taking into account the recommendations of integrated pest management, to favor the control of this pest it is essential to eliminate weeds and crop residues that can act as a reservoir for the crop.
The majority (2 out of every 3) of the samples taken in the greenhouses showed the presence of the tomato moth (Tuta absoluta), but at the moment there is no damage to the fruit. As preventive measures, it's very important to introduce reservoir plants inside the greenhouse, which serve as a food source for the native auxiliary fauna in it, especially for Necremnus tutae. In addition, it's essential to install sexual confusion wires to control the first adult flights. The release of auxiliary insects in the seedbed, such as Nesidiocoris tenuis, is also effective in promoting their control.
Producers have started to detect symptoms of Cladosporiosis (Fulvia fulva) on the leaves. Sampling must be carried out throughout the crop cycle, as the environmental conditions inside the greenhouse are conducive to its development. The preventive measures that can be taken to prevent the entry of this disease are to remove and destroy the damaged plant organs, avoid excess foliage on the plant, and properly fertilize the planting, preventing it from having excess vigor.