The new season of the Italian Rojo Brillante persimmons seems to be opening under good auspices for Gallicchio Frutta, a company that has made this crop its core business, to the point of launching a new brand, "Divino - the Italian Kaki".
"The demand is certainly higher than at the first start of the season last year", comments the administrator Francesca Gallicchio, "we started a few days ago and with a delay of about two weeks, but the demand is already considerable, with 10-12 pallets going out every day. We are currently extracting about 25 tons of tannin a day, volumes that will gradually increase, especially if the weather is in our favor."
"We are struggling to fill the cells. We have a limited harvest and a rush of orders. The campaign will get even busier once we have more volume to harvest and the temperatures drop. The best is yet to come. We have reason to believe that this time we will be able to extend sales until late February, not only because of the increased yields of our own orchards and the number of growers, but especially because of the refined techniques that will allow us to delay harvesting until late December."
Francesca Gallicchio
The company, which targets wholesale markets and supermarkets in Italy and Europe, produces, processes and markets persimmons and recently sent samples to new customers. "Some of them have an entire season's worth of deliveries planned. Just today (read: 26 October 2023) the first trays have left for Amsterdam and we are waiting to start with Scotland, Poland and Malta as well."
Divino brand persimmons are sourced exclusively from the southern regions of Italy. "Even though this is the first year of the launch, operators seem to be enthusiastic about the brand. At the beginning of next week (the 44th in 2023), we will launch the official packaging dedicated to Divino. The packaging will consist of a 50 x 30 cm cardboard box that will be decorated with wrappers and stickers. We decided to delay the launch. We wanted to make sure that the product was as good as possible, also regarding the coloring. The weather conditions up to now have not allowed us to do so."
For more information:
Gallicchio Frutta
Via Piemonte n. 36/b
75020 Scanzano Jonico (MT)
335 5872063 (Antonio)
334 8121776 (Francesca)