Pumpkins are expected to be harvested in the fields of Gemüsegarten Pfalz until October 31. According to initial estimates, the 22 pumpkin producers from Gemüsegarten Pfalz will again harvest around 9,100 tons of pumpkins this season, wash them, store them temporarily and deliver them to fans nationwide via food retailers in the coming days, weeks and months. This is because mature pumpkins can be professionally stored for up to eight months without any loss of quality.
"At Gemüsegarten Pfalz, this year's cultivation area is largely at the level of 2022. Accordingly, we also expect a similar yield in terms of harvest volumes!", says Michael Weiß, pumpkin grower from Schifferstadt. In the 2022 season, pumpkins were grown on around 480 hectares in Gemüsegarten Pfalz.
© Gemüsegarten Pfalz Gerd Renner (left) and Michael Weiß.
In the edible pumpkin category, first place goes to the Hokkaido variety by a wide margin. Gerd Renner, who has been one of the pumpkin pioneers in the Palatinate for more than 25 years and is the main person responsible for pumpkin cultivation on Andreas Renner's farm in Mutterstadt, is cultivating more than 35 varieties this season. Among these are varieties in experimental cultivation. Renner: "The market for edible pumpkins has straightened out. The trend has shifted away from ever-new specialties. Consumers and retailers buy what they know and like. Essentially, the business revolves around a maximum of ten different varieties."
Palatinate offers optimum growing conditions
After the young plants have been set out in the open, which can take place as early as April/May depending on the variety, the young pumpkins are kept evenly moist by means of drip irrigation. Since pumpkins need sun, warmth and continuous water for even growth, they find ideal conditions in the climatically favored Palatinate region - with the possibility of sprinkling as needed and the cultivation know-how of the local growers.
The actual harvest has already begun at the end of July. Michael Weiß says: "This year's produce is of top quality. Our biggest challenge was the high temperatures, which challenged all growers." Pumpkins love sheltered locations and the large leaves form a natural screen, making them easier to care for. If these wilt as part of the natural growing process, then sunburn can be imminent. Harvesting procedures must be planned as precisely as possible. If the weather is suitable, washing is carried out directly in the field using special harvesting equipment. Ideally, the sun then takes over the drying process. The pumpkins are then ready and waiting to be transported to the farm.
Pumpkin consumption still on the upswing
Even though Hokkaido pumpkins - in particular - are now available in food retailers throughout the year, the months of September to November are among the main purchasing months. According to the GfK Household Panel, consumption in the period August 2022 to July 2023 averaged 1.2 kilos per private household, around 2 percent more than in the previous comparable period.
Short transport routes characterize Palatinate pumpkins
The first quality selection is made when harvesting in the field. Then it goes to the farms. Here, the weighty goods undergo another final quality check, or are packed according to customer specifications, before they are transported - usually in reusable crates - by refrigerated transport directly via retailers and wholesalers to consumers nationwide. The advantages that greater proximity means for quality and freshness are obvious: while fruit and vegetables from abroad often spend several days traveling across Europe, pumpkins from the Palatinate are usually in the fruit and vegetable departments of supermarkets overnight after being ordered.
Dr. Christian Stoermer of Gemüsegarten Pfalz Management explains: "Of course, fruit and vegetables that - figuratively speaking - are growing right on your own doorstep will score points for sustainable freshness, a better CO₂ balance and also secure the livelihood of domestic producers."
Images: Gemüsegarten Pfalz
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