“According to the first estimate on October 1st, 2023 for the 2023-2024 campaign, French endive root surface areas (7,260 hectares) intended for endive production are 3% lower than last year and 12% lower than the 2018-2022 average. French endive production (126,000 tons) should therefore be very close to the low level of the 2022-2023 harvest, and 18% lower than the 2018-2022 average. In September 2023, the first month of the new campaign, producer prices were higher (31% more than the 2018-2022 average),” according to Agreste, the French Ministry of Agriculture's statistics service.
Stable endive production but 18% lower than the average of the last 5 years
On October 1st 2023, the surface area planted with endive roots for the 2023-2024 campaign was estimated at 7,260 hectares, which is 3% lower than last year and 12% lower than the 2018-2022 average.
Root production for the 2023 campaign, from May to November, is estimated at 214,000 tons. This would represent an increase of 3% from the 2022 campaign, but a sharp decline (-14%) compared to the 2018-2022 average. Endive root sowing took place in May 2023, with some disruptions due to weather conditions, but in good conditions overall. Vegetative development revealed considerable heterogeneity in root size. Harvesting has begun, sometimes almost a month ahead of schedule for the earliest varieties.
Harvested between September 2023 and August 2024, French endive production should reach 126,000 tons. This would be similar to the previous year's low harvest, and sharply lower (-18%) than the average of the last 5 campaigns. At the start of the season, the production is gradually ramping up, with little root stock from the previous harvest.
High prices at the start of the campaign
The quality is good but despite promotional actions, the demand was held back by the relatively warm weather at the start of the campaign. Temperatures cooled down around mid-October, and the demand became more dynamic.
Limited supply in September led to higher prices, close to the levels of September 2022 and 31% higher than the 2018-2022 average.
Between September 2022 and August 2023 (campaign 2022-2023), cumulative endive imports (2,300 tons) rose by 11%, while export levels (7,600 tons) dropped by 20%. As a result, the positive trade balance is down by 29% compared with the 2021-2022 campaign.
Source: Agreste