The mango campaign is about to finish in Malaga. "Only the last Keitt and Sensation remain, which are the latest varieties in the area, and the truth is that the end is leaving us with a bitter feeling, as this has been a campaign with 75% less volume compared to last year," says Prudencio Lopez, manager of Natural Tropic. "We continue to promote the Mango de Málaga brand in all our lines, highlighting everything that this brand offers: flavor, origin and quality."
"We are already at the beginning of the Spanish avocado season, and this year we expect to have between 20-30% more volume compared to last year, as new farms in other production areas of Spain are becoming productive. We cannotrely only on Malaga or Granada, which are currently suffering the severe consequences of drought. We need to turn to provinces like Huelva, Cadiz or Valencia, which are also hit by water shortages, but are not as affected. We have to continue focusing on the product's origin and quality, and like I said earlier about mangoes, our avocados are unique not only because of the proximity, freshness and flavor, but because we have a very efficient supply chain from the farm to the final consumer, hence why the products are a little more appreciated than those from other origins."
Regarding cherimoyas, another major Spanish tropical fruit, "our campaign started more than 2 months ago, and we have very good prospects for the volumes and quality compared to last year. In Europe, cherimoyas continue gaining ground every year, as the fruit stands out for being rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. This year, Natural Tropic expects to market 4 million kilos."
Expanding with the cultivation and processing of pistachios
Natural Tropic has launched its pistachio project in the municipality of Baza, in Granada. 3 years ago, the Malaga-based company, which has been so far specialized in the production and marketing of tropical fruits, decided to introduce this crop, one of the healthiest nuts, as a way to diversify its supply and ensure long-term growth. At the moment, they are equipping a 1,000 m² facility with drying and calibrating machinery, as well as shelling machinery, with the aim of delivering about 150 tons of pistachio in its first campaign, both with and without shell. The production will be sold to customers in Spain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Italy, and the countries of Eastern Europe. "In the project's first phase, Natural Tropic has planted 100 hectares, although the medium-term goal is to double this acreage, as well as to reach new agreements with growers in order to significantly increase the volume processed."
"The pistachio varieties chosen to start this new line are the Kerman, Kastel, Lost Hill and Sirora, which will be marketed in controlled atmosphere packaging (in 5, 10 and 20 kg formats), with heat-sealed plastic, as well as in various formats for supermarket customers, with whom we are already working."
"This is the first step that the company is taking into a business with great growth potential. Its objective for the next few years is to expand these facilities and become also able to carry out the roasting process, which would allow it to increase the volumes processed and reach the end customer directly thanks to the synergies that its current commercial network will provide. The investment, to be made in the 2024/25 biennium, could exceed 1 M€. These funds will be used for the expansion of the plant and the acquisition of new machinery to close the pistachio production circle, which includes calibration, drying and roasting."
"Once its operational, we expect this division to contribute €10 M to our revenues by 2025 and up to €20 M in the following years, according to our strategic plan." In 2021, the company based in the industrial park La Pañoleta in Vélez-Málaga achieved a turnover of 44 M€ from the marketing of tropical fruits, mainly avocado (about 15,000 tons), mango and cherimoya.
For more information:
Natural Tropic
C/ Juan Gris, P. I. La Pañoleta
2029700 Vélez-Málaga, Malaga. Spain
Tel.: +34 952 50 27 09