"We get Fuji apples from a farmer around the corner from us. The demand is very high; everyone is waiting for the Fuji apple. In terms of ripeness, it is one of the last apples in the season and starts between the end of October and the beginning of November. The apples are primarily convincing because of their crisp skin as well as their juicy flesh," says Jennifer Hotz from Früchte Bressan in Eggingen.
"Fuji are sometimes sold in 10-kg boxes because they also have a good shelf life. The variety is especially popular with families with children," says Hotz. Furthermore, the Elstar and Gala varieties, among others, are sold to wholesalers. "The small Gala apples are particularly in demand in the canteens. The price range for these varieties is somewhat lower than for Fuji. Apart from the latter variety, we get all our apples from a fruit producer from Lake Constance. We also collect the apples from him ourselves. It's always important for us to know where our produce comes from."
One of the things the saleswoman notices is that the topic of health is playing a bigger role again: "At many trade fairs and other events, there is a trend to offer healthy food, like at a sports event, where they used to hand out dextrose, for example, they now offer fruit." So far, she can look back on a good business year.
For more information: Jennifer Hotz
Bressan Obst und Gemüse
Bahnhofstrasse 6
79805 Eggingen
Tel: +49(0)7746 / 5055
Fax: +49(0)7746 / 5418