As Christmas is coming closer, demand for pomegranates is increasing, says Yigit Gokyigit, commercial coordinator for Turkish fresh produce exporter Alanar: “The Turkish pomegranate season started last month with the first crops. Demand so far has been satisfying for the whole market. We think that the consumption of pomegranates is higher this season in both the domestic market as well as among consumers globally. In general, pomegranate has seen increasing demand just before and after Christmas time. We see this trend reoccurring year after year, and this year isn’t any different. As a result, we expect to export more fruits from December to February, or even March.”
Although it’s too early to tell at the moment, Gokyigit does think their season will last until the end of February. It depends on how good quality remains in storage, he explains. “It's hard to say how long the season will last at this point. The harvest of pomegranates in Turkey is usually completed in September or October, but the fruit remains on the market for as long as the quality is stable. However, I believe that we’ll be able to have good quality pomegranates in storage until late February or early March. Alanar was able to export the high-end quality pomegranates to major importers until the end of February in 2023. This year, our pomegranates will mostly find their way onto the shelves of major supermarket chains in Germany and the United Kingdom.”
As the season continues and stocks deplete, the prices for the pomegranates will increase, Gokyigit states: “We expect to increase our sales volume this season. Thanks to our commitment to quality, our clients have been motivated to work with us for years. I expect a much busier season starting of next month, with the holidays coming up. Since the markets stocks will be decreasing during that time, prices will be slightly increasing after December, probably on a weekly basis as well. As usual, Alanar will have a booth in 2024 Fruit Logistica in Berlin. This is the major event that pomegranate exporters and buyers come together and plan the further season,” he concludes.
For more information:
Yigit Gokyigit
Mobile: +90 549 804 87 56