Later this month, Industrial Auctions will be organizing an online auction on behalf of Kartoffelverarbeitungs GmbH in Hirschfeld (DE). The offer consists of infeed bunkers, peelers, washing machines, sorting and batching machines, slicers, multihead weighers, metal detectors and many more. These are from renowned brands such as Kiremko, FAM, Multivac, Ishida Europe Ltd, Kronen, Karl Schnell. Also, some interesting combinations are up for auction such as a complete steam peeling, washing and sorting line and a multihead weighing and thermoforming line.
On the website of Industrial Auctions you can find multiple pictures and an extensive description of all lots. If interested it is even possible to visit the auction location to view the machines in real life. The viewing day will be on the 9th of November. The auction will close the 15th of November.