Chilean cherry exporters are preparing for the new season. "Currently, China is the main sourcing market for Chilean export companies. That demand increases annually. It's become difficult for the European market to compete with the Chinese market's purchasing prices. But, as harvesting progresses and varieties are crossed and combined in production, that market can always be supplied," says Silvia Piezzi of Cesil BV.
She says new orchards and cultivation areas in Chile have come into production. That is despite the rain and flooding affecting various orchards' production this year. Those new areas include in the north of the country in the Coquimbo (Ovalle) region. The first air freight shipments to open the Chinese market come from there.
The Maule region (Curicó) is Chile's main production area. The sector's largest orchards, packing plants, and export companies are concentrated there. The first variety suitable for air and sea transport is the Royal Dawn. Santina, Bing, and Lapins follow.
Silvia works with the Chilean export company Cespy Chile Spa in Curicó. She is open to requests for Chilean cherry programs for direct shipment to China and Europe.
For more information:
Silvia Piezzi
Cesil B.V.
66 Gebroken Meeldijk
2991 VD, Barendrecht, NL
Mob: +54 9 261 47 00 328