After looking into the situation of long/black eggplant, the Crisis Committee of the Interprofessional Organization of Fruits and Vegetables of Andalusia, HORTYFRUTA, has decided to deactivate the Standard Extension for this vegetable, as the minimum thresholds set on the product's perception by the consumer are not being exceeded.
Last October 11, following the Order published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Andalusia of 28/07/2022, HORTYFRUTA activated the Standard Extension for quality for long/black eggplant, thereby banning the marketing of second-class categories for fresh consumption.
Therefore, second-class categories of this product can be marketed again.
HORTYFRUTA members will continue carrying out rigorous analyses, especially for products such as eggplant, zucchini, and cucumber, which have performed somewhat irregularly at the beginning of the horticultural campaign, so at some points, it has been necessary to resort to Standard Extensions for quality.
Standard Extensions are enforced with the aim of ensuring the supply of a differentiated product and improving its market value. The interprofessional HORTYFRUTA stressed that in no case is this mechanism intended to establish minimum prices based on the actual cost of production.
For more information:
Ctra. de Málaga n.º 44, 3.ª planta
04002 Almeria, Spain
Tel.: +34 662 388 055