A stable market with increasing sales, helped by the return of more autumnal temperatures. Cristian Moretti, director of Agrintesa, takes stock of the situation on the kaki market. "Due to the weather, the harvest started about 10 days late. We are now at the end of the Tipo Kako harvest. We still have 8 days of Rojo Brillante."
In the Emilia Romagna region, there is a loss of the product of almost 50 per cent. With 350 hectares in production, Agrintesa is at the forefront of kaki production and marketing. "The causes of this year's decline are well known: spring frost, flooding, hail. In Romagna there was no respite, and the results were below average for all fruit varieties. These weather conditions were particularly unfavorable in the province of Ravenna.
The size of the fruit is good, partly due to the fact that the plants are quite unloaded. The quality of the Rojo Brillante is, on average, very good, while the Kako Tipo suffers more from the variability, depending on the area.
Cristian Moretti
"Prices are kept high to match the high demand and the not very abundant quantities circulating. Our facility pays special attention to all the stages to bring the kakis to maturation, as well as a long experience," points out the director.
The kakis of Agrintesa will be available, also by means of Alegra, until the 8th of December for the Tipo and until the end of the year for the Rojo Brillante.
“Moretti concludes: "Abroad, we mostly send the Rojo Brillante variety, which is also easier to transport. In terms of production, we count 60 percent of Kako Tipo and 40 percent of Rojo Brillante. However, the new plants are moving towards the latter variety, while the older ones are mostly the former."
For more information:
Coop Agrintesa
Via G. Galilei, 15
48018 Faenza (RA)
+39 0546.619111