It's already time for strawberries in Basilicata. The abnormally mild fall weather has accelerated plant growth and the ripening of the fruits, hastening harvesting operations by two weeks.
NSG 203 strawberries (Marimbella®)
Sales manager Maria Ferrara from wholesaler Fe.Vi Frutta commented, "We started the 2023-24 season less than one week ago. So far, we carried out two operations of around 90 packs each. Demand is very high, while volumes are still limited. We are trying to keep everyone happy at the moment, supplying 10-15 packs each. Considering how things are going, we would not have found it difficult to place even three times the produce."
Maria Ferrara
Early crops are, therefore, at an advanced stage in the Metaponto area, while the fresh type is still registering rooting problems.
People never tire of strawberries. "As soon as one-year finishes, they cannot wait for the next one. We are currently growing three early varieties for this campaign: NSG 203, Fortuna, and another Gentile Group experimental one."
As for prices, they are 10-15% higher than at the start of 2022, also due to the lower hectares of early cultivars planted throughout the region. "Operators are buying without complaints. There is always demand for the first strawberries from Basilicata despite the increasingly wide production calendar. We ended the previous season on June 23 with soilless Sabrosa-Candonga strawberries."
For more information:FE.VI.FRUTTA S.R.L.
Via Bellini,10
75025 Policoro (MT)
Tel.: (+39) 0835/902998