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Karland GmbH: 30 years in the service of the Thuringian potato

"We can now leave a lot to the machines"

2023 will also be remembered as a difficult potato-growing year full of challenges in Thuringia. Nevertheless, most of the crops have now been harvested and stored, as Dietmar Barthel, Managing Director of the Thuringian potato packing company Karland Agrarprodukte, confirms. "Due to the cold spring, the laying dates had to be postponed. This meant that potatoes were still being laid in the middle to end of May, which is rather atypical. Accordingly, the ripening times were also automatically postponed. Due to the drought in late summer, there was an increase in soil clods on our heavy soils. This has led to problems, especially for those who cannot irrigate their land. But you have to differentiate, because every location has its own specifics."

In recent weeks, it is mainly the abundant rainfall and the associated difficult field conditions that have caused farmers to worry. Barthel: "The longer the harvest is delayed, the worse it is. Apart from a few problem areas, we haven't seen any major problems with rot or the like so far. But we won't really be able to judge that until the beginning of December." In terms of quantity, the harvest is expected to be average. "We are currently at around 400 dT/ha, which is quite good compared to previous years. In the main harvest, we have slightly more large-grain produce than in previous years."

Meanwhile, the marketing of domestic table potatoes has also got off to a good start, continues Barthel. "Prices had come under a little pressure due to the food retail promotions. In recent weeks, prices have been trending slightly upwards again and storage surcharges are also being paid accordingly, although not quite to the extent that producers would like. It remains to be seen how the market will develop over the course of the season, but I am confident that we will be able to offer good quality potatoes at market prices until June of the following year."

The past marketing year 22/23 was characterised by manageable yields and poor quality, says Barthel looking back. "Due to the weather, the potatoes aged physiologically very quickly. Many batches were already in a condition in January/February that they would normally not be in until May. This had a corresponding effect on marketing, especially as the harvest volume was already below average. In addition, Egyptian early potatoes were marketed very early and at high prices. Israeli and Spanish produce was also marketed at relatively high prices. The high prices have unsettled consumers and reduced their interest in buying potatoes."

Company anniversary and the future of the potato industry
Founded in 1993, Karland Agrarprodukte GmbH & Co. KG is dedicated to the procurement, processing, packaging and marketing of regionally produced table potatoes and onions. In its 30th anniversary year, the company looks back and ahead accordingly. "Technological advances, be it optical sorting or automatic box filling and palletising, make it possible to leave a lot to machines. On the producer side, the generation change is now gradually taking place. At the same time, we have to observe how consumption habits are developing and respond to these changes accordingly. We are trying to make the potato appealing to younger consumers with social media and projects such as 'Kids an die Knolle' and the 'Thuringian Potato of the Year'."

Images: KARLAND Agrarprodukte GmbH & Co. KG

For more information:
KARLAND Agrarprodukte GmbH & Co. KG
Weg nach Schwerstedt 16
99439 Am Ettersberg/Thüringen
Telefon: +49 (36 43) 42 04 96
Fax: +49 (36 43) 42 04 97
Mail: [email protected]

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