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For Rent: Property located in the transport zone Meer in Belgium

At Riyadhstraat 37, situated at the border crossing Meer-Hazeldonk, an unrefrigerated warehouse is available. The warehouse is located 1 km from the entrance to the E19 Antwerp-A16 Breda motorway.

Due to the presence of 6 loading docks and 2 overhead doors on the ground floor, this warehouse is also exceptionally suitable for transshipment activities.

The warehouse comprises:

  • 6586 m2 Warehouse
  • 233 m2 - Office (2 floors) - Offices are customizable
  • 15 parking spaces

The warehouse is immediately available. Price and rental period can be determined through consultation.

For more information:
Patrick Maes
Tel.: +32 3 317 06 74
Mob.: +32 475 702315

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