The gross value of production (GVP) for Australian avocados was estimated at $574 million in 2022-23. According to Avocados Australia’s Facts at a Glance 2022/23 Report, this is a return to the 2020/21 level.
A new five-year project, led by Avocados Australia, started this year and builds on the success of the AV20000 project. The new project, AV22016, will continue to provide the core data and information systems such as Infocado, OrchardInfo, export market reporting, and retail price reporting. It will include enhanced export retail price reporting and domestic wholesale price reporting.
Avocados Australia CEO John Tyas said that the new project would continue to provide quality reporting for the Australian avocado industry and the reporting enhancements will further benefit the industry.
According to the Facts at a Glance online report, Queensland continued to produce the majority of Australian avocados in FY2023, with 65 per cent of production. Western Australia produced the next largest share at 18 per cent. Figures also show that Australian production is forecast to increase strongly over the next few years, to around 170,000 tonnes per annum expected to be produced by 2026.