The South African Table Grape Industry association (SATGI) provided highlights from their bi-weekly Joint Grape Marketing Forum, with a total of 6.1 million cartons (4.5 kg equivalent) that were inspected for export up until week 48, which is 20% less than the previous season year to date - due to a later start to the season.
A total of 2.2 million cartons (4.5 kg equivalent) have been exported up until week 48, which is 26% lower than the previous season to date. The top three varieties inspected in week 48 were Prime, Early Sweet and Tawny Seedless. Export volumes during week 48 predominantly consisted of sailings on the Maersk Cap Carmel (55%), and the Kalahari Express (18%) container vessels, while 24% was on the conventional vessel Witney Bay.
Three early regions are currently packing – the Northern Provinces, Orange River and Olifants River. The performance at the Port of Cape Town remains below average. Gross Crane Hours (GCH) at the CTCT varied between 11 and 14 over the last month. (22-25 is an acceptable number. Transnet has achieved 28 in the past). Some producers are utilising alternative methods, including the use of conventional vessels, smaller vessels and alternative ports.
Regional Updates
During weeks 47 and 48, many producers in the Northern Provinces packed for a conventional vessel. Packing of Early Sweet, Prime and Starlight took place during week 49. The region is currently packing Tawny, ARRA HONEY POP™ and ARRA PASSION FIRE™. Packing of black seedless started in week 48. The region is focused on exports, with many importers requesting red seedless grapes.
The Orange River Region has almost completed packing of Prime and Early Sweet. Flame is currently being packed in the Onseepkans / Blouputs area, while still waiting to colour in the Augrabies / Rooipad area. Overall berry health and size are good.
Some packhouses in the Olifantsriver Region, started packing Prime in week 49. More packhouses are expected to begin packing Early Sweet and Tawny in week 50, however the majority will begin packing in week 51. The weather outlook for the next 10 days is favourable.
The Berg River Region is expected to start packing in week 51, beginning with Starlight and Prime. Vineyards are in good condition, with good berry sizes overall.
The Hex River Region expects its crop size to be in line with the long term averages, rather than the previous season's lower yields. The region expects to start packing Starlight and ARRA PASSION FIRE™ in weeks 51 and 52. Overall, a healthy harvest is expected.
For more information:
Mecia Petersen
Tel: +27 21 863 0366