After a major decline in production during the summer, supermarkets and stores are once again selling Algarve oranges. The 2022/2023 production campaign ended with a 50% production decline in the summer variety. This decline saw virtually no oranges being produced in August, September, October, and a good part of November. This meant that expenses increased, and revenue decreased drastically.
Algarve oranges only started to reappear on shelves again on December 4. Of course, regional producers had experienced a “year of overproduction”, meaning they already knew there would be some decline in the following year and the production would be “considerably lower.”
At this moment, in the campaign that has just started, with winter oranges, growers are almost close to a normal year – almost, because there is still some decline. In the spring (variety), there is a predicted decline, and in the last variety, Valencia Late (late), which had a 50% decline last year, this year is good in terms of production.