Noureddine Hajjout used to work from the Barendrecht trading center in the Netherlands. However, several years ago, he moved to France for his wife. There, he has been active in the Rungis market. "Around 2012, I founded the company 'de Gezonde Box'. Originally as a company that sold fresh boxes on subscription, but in recent years, since I started at the Rungis market, I've been much more involved in wholesale," says Nour.
"Most of my business is what we call 'easier' trade. I sell several suppliers' surplus or riper trade on commission. I currently do that with three sales points at the Rungis market," the trader explains. "I work with Next Frutas for that, where I do the purchasing, and a colleague takes care of the sales."
"It's the traditional Rungis business. My customers are mostly smaller stores and market traders. So, it's my job to help them with often riper fruit. But I also help Dutch and Belgian companies with their surpluses."
"Plus, I have a decent credit limit, so suppliers also have certainty. Just don't expect payment within 30 days; this is France, after all," Nour jokes. "I'm always open to new suppliers, though."
For more information:
Noureddine Hajjout
De Gezonde Box
Rungis B2, France
Tel: +33 755 647 196
Mob: +31 650 470 374
Company address:
The Healthy Box
3 Haie Corbeau
59177, Sains du Nord