Avocados have become a highly demanded product in Dutch stores. Many traders eagerly purchase the product, especially in the winter.
Ton Verheijke of Janyra Organics Exporters, thus, sees potential for Kenyan avocados in the North European market.
Particularly in the Netherlands. "We can offer a wonderful product, but it's not so easy finding partners who want to take it," says Ton.
Ton's wife, Janet, founded the company in Kenya in 2020. He does the marketing. "Janet grows avocados, citrus, and herbs, like basil, which is now ready to harvest."
"Initially, we focused mainly on the domestic market, but recently, we've been looking at the Dutch market for export. I think my Dutch roots will allow me to be a good connector between Janyra Organics and potential importers. We, thus, see definite opportunities to gain a foothold in the North European market," Ton explains.
Kenya, too, suffers from increasingly difficult weather conditions, but, says Ton, the company has managed to arm itself well against this in recent years. "We invested in basins, drainage systems, and water wells. In Kenya, long periods of drought and heavy rainfall alternate frequently. Those investments mean we've optimized our water supply, and thanks to the drainage systems, our trees get enough water during the droughts. We can, thus, guarantee high-quality fruit and herbs."
Janyra Organics has also begun becoming self-sufficient regarding electricity thanks to solar panels. They have good working conditions and are about to become GlobalGAP certified. "So, we now hope to turn our gaze abroad. For this, we provide our own fruit and herbs and work with various growers to supply potential partners."
"We're considering several growers with whom we can start exporting avocados in January. Quality-wise, that product looks excellent, and I expect we can compete with them on the Dutch market. Kenya's climate is perfect for avocado, citrus, and herb production. Now it's just a matter of finding a good destination for them", concludes Ton.
For more information:
Ton Verheijke
Janyra Organics Exporters
Tel: +31 (0) 654 255 101