The Association of French Strawberry Producers held its Annual General Meeting on November 23rd and 24th in the Lot-et-Garonne department. The various topics discussed at the event include a name change, a review of 2023, the supply of plant material, phytosanitary products, varietal research, as well as projects and preparations for the 2024 campaign.
©Strawberries of France
Strawberries of France changes its name…and logo
On January 11th, 2023, Strawberries of France announced its merger with the French Raspberry Association (AVFF), in order to “perpetuate and develop the French strawberry and raspberry sectors.” At its general assembly last month, the association therefore voted for a change of name and logo. Strawberries of France will now become Strawberries and Raspberries of France.
Plant supply problems?
The difficulties related to the supply of strawberry plants were also discussed with nurserymen and breeders. “There has been a certain amount of tension for some time now, as the strawberry production surface area is increasing, but the number of nurserymen and breeders is decreasing,” explains Emeline Vanespen, director of the association. Increasingly unremunerative activity, logistical difficulties (foreign suppliers), rising costs and quality problems, both in terms of health and agronomy, are some of the reasons why “access to plant material has become so difficult.”
Research and development to phase out phytosanitary solutions
With the end, in 2 years’ time, of Movento, a key insecticide in strawberry aphid management, the association, via its Frais'Nat network created in 2021, in collaboration with the Savéol cooperative, has launched a research project called Aphidius 2.0 for 2022. The aim was to breed aphid parasitoids for strawberry cultivation. This project, which is part of the biological control program, will be tested by growers in 2024. Other experimental projects, notably on mites and powdery mildew, will be launched in the coming months.
Two seminars in 2024
A seminar on raspberries will be held after the winter “so that professionals can give guidelines and decide what they want to do within the association with the budget allocated (communication, technique…).” Another seminar, focusing on trade, will take place in February 2024 for strawberry professionals in order to “discuss the different segmentations and prepare the next campaign (communication plan...).”
For more information:
Emeline Vanespen
AOPn Fraises de France